It was with great interest that I followed news of the General Motors bankruptcy filing this morning. It's hard for me to believe ...
The Future of Algae-Based Biofuels
A reader of this blog recently posted a series of questions asking my thoughts about the prospects of algae-based biofuels. I have...
Beyster Institute Reorganization; Reasons to Consider Employee Ownership
As I mentioned in an earlier post, UCSD is reorganizing the Beyster Institute. If you haven't visited the Institute's website late...
Looking for New Life Forms in the Ocean
Plans are underway to accompany Craig Venter on part of his expedition on Sorcerer II to find new forms of life in the oceans for ...
Biofuels and a Week of Many Meetings
I just read an interesting article in the Union-Tribune about a cooperative research program underway in San Diego and Imperial Va...
Dinner with Friends and Book Update
The big news out here this week is the outbreak of the swine flu. We all have flu shots, but they may be for the wrong flu. I hope...