I'm pleased to announce that Rutgers University has received a $2 million gift from the Foundation for Enterprise Development to e...
Employee Ownership Award and Executive Pay
The FED recently announced a new program, the 2009 Shared Capitalism through Employee Ownership Award. The Award is being accompli...
Government Bailout, Open Source Funding, and More
An article in last week's Wall Street Journal explained that the government TARP bailout program features some significant limitat...
Meetings and Forums
Things have been quiet here for a while. The weather has been pretty bad, making it difficult to get around. At least it wasn't sn...
Algae Biofuels and Mission Ventures
I am learning more about the potential use of algae to produce biofuel, in particular, a new development here in San Diego. Accord...
Obama and the Economy
Former San Diego Union-Tribune reporter Bruce Bigelow recently invited me to become a contributor to the Xconomy.com website, whic...