It's interesting to see the choices that Barack Obama is making for his senior cabinet and other key posts. On Monday he announced...
Book Agent, Some Research Findings, and Sydell Gold
We have selected an agent to handle the process of selling our still title-less new book to a publisher: Ike Williams at Fish &...
More Book Title Thoughts
I thought I would take a few minutes to let you know which of your suggested book titles I like best. My four current favorites ar...
Election Thoughts, Palm Desert Trip, and Keep Those Book Titles Coming!
Last week the major event for me was the election, which I followed very carefully because my man wasn't winning. It was certainly...
Wanted: Book Title Suggestions
My first observation for today is that we have a lot of people looking at the blog, but not a lot of people commenting. Maybe we c...
International Aerospace Hall of Fame Induction
The first event of note for me during the week of October 20 was my Thursday lunch meeting with Irene Veca, Niki Krutop, Doug Oben...