Last week was interesting for me in that the climate has changed completely in San Diego and it has been much hotter. Like other p...
Local Entrepenuers and the U.S. Open
The big event last week was the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards, which occurred on Monday night and took place at th...
Network Solutions Book Project
We continue to dig deeper into the new Network Solutions book project. I realize it's impossible to write a book on the topic with...
New Book Plans, Sailing, and Life in General
We're considering three new book-related initiatives through FED. The first one is a paperback version of The SAIC Solution. We wi...
America’s Cup and Photos from Russia
I've been spending a little time trying to keep up with the America's Cup and how the next competition will be handled. It appears...
Russia, Local Entrepeneurs, and the Democratic Race
About two weeks ago Betty and Mary Ann left on a purely pleasure trip to Russia. I did not feel that I would be able to travel com...