Here is the second in a series of five "myths" of employee ownership written by Bill Scott. I hope you find it as interesting as I...
Book Second Printing Update
Our publisher has postponed the second printing of the book until such time as sales increase. We will be meeting over the next we...
La Jolla Village News Article and Rady School of Management Talk
On August 17, an in-depth article appeared in the La Jolla Village News about SAIC -- how it worked, and why it was a success. The...
DARPATech 2007
These are my first impressions of DARPATech 2007, which finished last Thursday, August 9, in Anaheim. The meetings were conducted ...
Preparing for DARPATech
I have been busy this week preparing to attend DARPATech, which will be held this year in Anaheim at the Marriott Hotel. In the se...
Back to Work
I've been trying to unwind since returning to San Diego from the America's Cup competition in Valencia. Further tours promoting th...