Welcome to my new blog. We have been calling it, with tongue firmly in cheek, Beyster 2.0. My original reasons for doing a blog we...
Week thirty-seven
We had a good meeting last week with a consultant who is going to help us take the blog to the next level in functionality and int...
Week thirty-six
We're going to be redesigning the blog over the next few weeks to make it more user friendly and to bring in some new blogging fea...
Week thirty-five
I was at a CONNECT/MIT Enterprise Forum conference last night with Mary Ann Beyster, where the topic of discussion was "the next b...
Week thirty-four
The Economic Development Corporation of San Diego had their annual awards event last week at the Jenny Craig Pavilion at the Unive...
Week thirty-three
Craig Racine (Week 32): We did not ignore the founding of AESC in our SAIC alumni chart. The company is listed in the updated char...