Now that we've completed the book (The SAIC Solution), I've been wondering what topic I should take on for the next book. I'll bou...
Week thirty-one
Here we are again -- like Arnold, we're back. As you can imagine, the last month has been a busy one for us. Peter Economy, Mary A...
Week thirty
As the year draws to a close, I would like to thank you all for participating in my blog, and leaving your comments for me to read...
Week twenty-nine
No blog this week -- we are currently fully occupied with the book manuscript, making final changes to the edited chapters returne...
Week twenty-eight
My wife Betty, daughter Mary Ann, and Robert Craig -- a financial advisor -- had the good opportunity to attend the Ernst & Young ...
Week twenty-seven
Donna Cunningham (Week 26): I agree with you. My observation is that the impact of national elections on the business climate for ...