I would like to let you know that we signed a contract with John Wiley and Sons to publish the book. This is exciting for us and ...
Week thirteen: Key SAIC events
I have been spending some time lately putting together a time line of key events in SAIC's history for the book. It has been good ...
Week twelve: San Diego Union-Tribune article
Some of you may have noticed the article about my book and this blog in the Sunday (July 9, 2006) San Diego Union-Tribune newspape...
Week eleven: Where have they gone? SAIC Alumni
Where Have They Gone? Companies Founded by SAIC Alumni Over the years, a number of SAIC's talented scientists and engineers ...
Week ten: Marketing with technical staff
From the earliest days of SAIC, I felt one of the best ways to build the business was to have our technical staff deeply involved ...
Week nine: San Diego EDC
On Monday, June 12, San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation (EDC) recognized Dr. Beyster with the Herb Klein Civic L...