You may recall from a previous post on my blog that I contributed a bronze statue of a lion to my old fraternity at the University...
Network Solutions Book Event at University of Michigan
I was pleased to learn today that the event for our new book on Network Solutions held on November 1 at the University of Michigan...
Now Available: Names, Numbers, and Network Solutions
I am happy to announce that my book about Network Solutions written with Mike Daniels has been published and is now available for ...
Old SAIC Is Now Officially Gone
On Friday, September 27, SAIC officially split into two separate companies: the $4 billion government-services company SAIC, and t...
Upcoming Michigan Trip
It is just a few weeks until my upcoming trip to Michigan to attend the homecoming game and visit my old SAE fraternity. I have be...
Wedding Anniversary and America’s Cup
My wife Betty and I celebrated our anniversary on Sunday. It's hard for me to believe that we have been married 58 years now. I...