Presidential Nominations and SBIR Success Reports

On the morning of the Florida primary, I’m wondering what exactly happened to Rudy Giuliani. It was just a few months ago that he was the top contender for the Republican nomination to run as president and I had great expectations for him. However, he may have a few warts that are unacceptable to many voters. It appears that the race for the Republican nomination will come down to McCain and Romney. I just read the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, and the message is loud and clear now to the candidates — focus on the economy. On the Democrats’ side, it’s still a race between Clinton and Obama with Edwards running third, but still picking up delegates and potentially moving into a position to have considerable power as a dealmaker going into the convention.

Here’s a poll that ran in the Wall Street Journal last Friday — I’m interested in your responses. Next week I’ll compare our results to those from the Wall Street Journal.


Which party would do better on:


SBIR Success Reports

I thought I’d mention that the FED successfully delivered SBIR success reports to the DARPA SBIR program manager, Connie Jacobs, who will soon be retiring. I read all the reports and it looks like there are many promising ideas. I am sure the military services are pleased with the end results. You can view the reports online.