Awards and Interviews

I was pleased to learn of the recent announcement by the Center for Business Education at the Aspen Institute that Daphne Berry was selected the winner of the 2009 Dissertation Proposal Award. This award — made in collaboration with the Foundation for Enterprise Development and the Employee Ownership Foundation — is specifically intended to identify innovative research and high-impact ideas focused on shared capitalism through employee ownership. Daphne’s dissertation research will explore whether home health care aides are more or less productive depending on the structure of the organization that employs them, and she will receive an honorarium, research guidance, and recognition at an awards breakfast to be held at Ernst & Young’s corporate headquarters.

A previous employee of SAIC UK — Mike Mackay — was recently interviewed by CIO magazine. Mike is now CIO of the Youth Justice Board of England and Wales. The interviewer asked Mike to name the most influential person in his career, and I was very pleased to read that I was mentioned. I remember Mike as a prolific idea guy, a hard worker, and a great personality. I think you’ll find the entire CIO interview of Mike to be of interest.

— Bob