Week fifteen: Title suggestions

We’ve got our heads down, working hard on the book. The red team has the draft manuscript and has provided a very critical review — we have some work to do. Has anyone got a good idea for a title? We’re offering a very small prize for the best suggestion.

Click on the comments link to share your thoughts.

– Bob

Here are my responses to previous weeks’ comments:

Sam Smith (Week 14): You may just see your “good news, bad news” comment in the book.

Dave Cox (Week 13): CHCS was clearly a turning point for the health care business for SAIC and, as you mentioned, it clearly had strong implications on our performance on other contracts in the future.

Lyle Dunbar (Week 13): I think the Los Angeles experience was a good one because it exposed us far more to the Air Force than trying to satisfy that customer from afar. It was one of the first experiments that succeeded business-wise after La Jolla and Washington D.C. had gotten underway. The fact that it worked out encouraged me to think in terms of establishing small offices in places like Huntsville and Dayton.

Chris Rowe (Week 13): I think some of us — including you and me — felt strongly that VoIP was going to revolutionize next-generation telephony. I think you picked the right pony to ride.

Jim Nabeer (Week 11): It’s good to hear from you. We’ll check out Terry and JNI Corporation. What are you up to? I’m curious what you are doing these days.