Algae and Biofuels, Happy Thanksgiving

I recently learned that the University of Michigan College of Engineering has made a breakthrough in converting algae into a usable form of biofuel. According to the report I read, the process involves subjecting the algae to high temperatures for exactly one minute. This results in the conversion of 65 percent of the algae into biofuel. This is good news.

I have been following Craig Venter’s research on algae and biofuels for several years, and I was pleased to see that the University of Michigan is also actively pursuing this line of research. While it appears we have enough fossil fuels to last us for the foreseeable future, there will come a time when we need to have alternative sources of energy. I for one believe that algae is one of our most promising research avenues.

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Someone sent me the below photo outside the Bob and Betty Beyster building on the U-M campus. From what I understand, our building is now on the Segway tour route.

I am looking forward to Thanksgiving with my family at the Beach and Tennis Club again this year. I hope all of you have an enjoyable day.

— Bob