Artificial Leaf and Beyster Building Hawks

I recently read an article in the New Yorker magazine about the work being done by scientists to create a new sustainable source of energy: the artificial leaf. According to the article, scientists at Cal Tech and other universities and government laboratories are making good progress towards the goal of producing a thin, coated-silicon sheet that can use sunshine to electrochemically split tap water into oxygen and hydrogen, artificially replicating the process of photosynthesis.

I can imagine the tremendous impact this technology will have on the production of energy if these scientists are able to successfully scale up the process and make it available commercially. With all the research being done in the area of alternative energy, including the work being done with algae by Craig Venter here in La Jolla, I am certain that one day soon we will be able to break free of our dependence on fossil fuels.

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Steve Crang at the University of Michigan recently spotted two hawks that have been using the Beyster building as a platform to launch their attacks on unsuspecting mice and other small animals in the area. The hawks sit on top of the building, spot something interesting, then dive into the long grass which is situated next to the building parking lot. I have included a couple of photos taken by Steve of the hawks keeping an eye on things.

— Bob