Artificially Created Cells and Ocean Sampling

Craig Venter seems to be involved in another breakthrough, reported in the press two weeks ago. He and his team have created the first living cell using a man-made DNA strand. It’s a major accomplishment and has I believe enormous potential for the future, particularly in the area of pharmaceuticals. Knowing Craig, this is just the beginning of something very big.

On Friday two members of the Venter team did ocean sampling from my boat Solutions. They joined our skipper Ron Arnold, Mark Waldschmidt, and me on a trip to Oceanside. We all had lunch at the Chesapeake Fish House for a change of pace.

On Sunday we celebrated with the Henry family at the Beach and Tennis Club. James Henry just graduated from the UCSD Medical School and is an intern at the UCSD Medical Center. I even met his grandmother and grandfather. We all had a very pleasant evening.

— Bob