As I read my Business Week magazines and Wall Street Journals, I get a rather dismal outlook on the competitiveness of many U.S. businesses. I
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Peter and Bob meet with John Wiley & Sons editor, Debra Englander.
We continue to make progress on the book. Our editor from John Wiley & Sons --...
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Abundant widespread communication was an element in SAIC's success story. I'm curious to know what you think were the most useful forums to SAIC's emp...
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I have enjoyed reading your responses to my questions on this blog. I am still not overwhelmed by the title suggestions. Keep thinking! I have enjo...
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Thank you for your title ideas -- there are some good ones. If you think of any more, please send them along. I think it's time for me to decide on a ...
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We've got our heads down, working hard on the book. The red team has the draft manuscript and has provided a very critical review -- we have some work...
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