Biofuels Forum and Come Sail with Me

Last week was a busy one for me. The most intellectually stimulating thing that occurred was a forum I attended on algae-based biofuels sponsored by Scripps Institute of Oceanography, where we met with all the senior scientists working on the problem. About three different approaches are currently being pursued to see what works best. I noticed that all of the approaches would involve the use of large ponds where the algae and sunlight would together produce the fuel. This is in contrast to the Venter approach which I believe is done in large vats. I’m curious to know whether any of the readers of this blog have an informed opinion on which approach might work best. This information may not be available for a couple of years, until they get out of the lab and into the field and are able to assess the relative efficiencies of each method.

A suggestion was recently made by Ron Arnold, who is in charge of placing content on the SAIC website. He also happens to be the skipper of my boat Solutions. The suggestion is to have a periodic drawing of all the people who post on the blog. We will draw a name, and whoever’s name is drawn will be invited to join me for an excursion on Solutions, including lunch at either the Jolly Roger in Oceanside Harbor or the Loews Coronado Bay Resort, depending on which way we go. Seasickness is forbidden, and you’ll need to provide your own transportation to the boat dock in San Diego Bay. A picture of the boat is included here to indicate that it is not a rowboat.


— Bob