Celebrating the 4th of July

The big news around here has been the 4th of July celebrations, and we enjoyed two different events this year. The first event was a get together at Ralph Callaway’s house in the Del Cerro area of San Diego. Ralph is quite a cook. He prepared a sumptuous dinner with my favorite Polish sausages.

The second event was at Mary Ann Beyster’s house on Mt. Soledad in La Jolla, where we watched the annual fireworks show over the Cove. They were particularly spectacular this year. I hope all of you had a chance to see the fireworks on the 4th.

Last Friday I couldn’t go out on the boat because my captain Ron Arnold was not available. So instead, Mark Waldschmidt and I drove up to Oceanside and had lunch at the Monterey Bay Canners seafood restaurant. I would have preferred to take the boat to Oceanside, but it was too dangerous to go without our skipper being present.

— Bob