DARPA, The Theater, and Happy Holidays

I was pleased to see that the Foundation for Enterprise Development has been continuing its work with DARPA’s SBIR program. The latest set of DARPA SBIR/STTR Success Reports — which FED helped put together under contract with DARPA — was recently published and made searchable. The projects contained in the report are impressive. They include such things as a small VHF/UHF SAR antenna, nanostructured thin-film solar cell production, a tactical group decision analysis system, and much more. If you know any small technology businesses interested in participating in DARPA’s SBIR program, I suggest you have them take a look at the video presentation that FED produced for DARPA. It is titled Doing Business with DARPA — A Small Business Primer.

Last week was an eventful one for me, being the week before Christmas. I made several visits to the Crab Catcher for lunch, several visits to Blockbuster to exchange DVDs, and a trip to Oceanside on the boat. On Thursday night the Foundation for Enterprise Development organization led by my daughter Mary Ann Beyster had its annual party at the La Valencia Hotel. There were about 50 people there, each of whom had some association either with the FED or SAIC — including some SAIC old timers like Wayne Coleman. I could name everyone who attended, but I won’t do that. The party was a great success as usual and a memorable event.

On Sunday, seven of us attended the La Jolla Playhouse presentation of the musical version of Bonnie and Clyde. We were there for the last San Diego performance, and it was really an event to remember. I don’t know where the musical is going after this, but I’m sure it will be well received. If you have the opportunity to see it, I highly recommend you do.

At this time I think it’s appropriate to wish all of our readers a very Merry Christmas and holiday season.

— Bob

FED Christmas Party 2009
FED Christmas Party 2009