First Beyster Fellow

I just learned that the University of Michigan has chosen the first fellow of the J. Robert Beyster Computational Innovation Graduate Fellows Program: Chih-Chun Chia. Chih-Chun is a Ph.D. candidate in the Electrical and Computer Engineering division of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department and a research assistant in the Computational Biomarker Discovery and Clinical Inference Group.

It is my understanding that as a Beyster Fellow, Chih-Chun intends to perform research to develop computational techniques that can leverage large physiological datasets to improve the understanding of major diseases. I am pleased by this selection.

Chih-Chun’s interdisciplinary work in the fields of computer science and advanced medical research fulfills my own personal preference that the funding be used to find solutions to hard problems. I would like to extend my personal congratulations to Chih-Chun, and my best wishes for your continued success.

— Bob

Chi-Chun Chia

Chi-Chun Chia