Genomics and Video Presentations

I spent the last week recovering from the trip to Washington. There were no major occurrences over this time — just routine. I’m still finishing off the first of the genomics books I’m reading. This book is titled Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters and it was written by Matt Ridley. The book is great because it does not enter into the subject in great detail, but it does cover all the important people involved and the roles that they played in the field. So it hits the middle ground in this area of research. If you’ve read any interesting books on this subject, I’d like to hear from you.

By the way, the FED is starting to put some of my presentations and other events onto YouTube. There’s one video on the web site right now — it is a question and answer with Gene Ray and me at UCSD last year. More videos will added to YouTube in the near future.

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