Getting Ready to Sample the Ocean

Last week we interviewed a scientific candidate to manage the ocean water sampling program that we will do in conjunction with the Venter Institute. We will use my boat Solutions twice a month, over the next two years, to cover the area between San Diego and Catalina and some points north to be determined. The sampling will look for the presence of viruses and bacteria in the water, and also diatoms, which are related to algae.

The high point of the week was the 4th of July holiday celebration that we enjoyed at my daughter’s house on Mt. Soledad here in La Jolla. The house is located at enough altitude that you get a perfect view of the fireworks being launched at two or three different areas around La Jolla. The fireworks were spectacular from at least three sources: the La Jolla Country Club, the Cove, and the San Diego County Fair in Del Mar.

— Bob