Jordan Becker, KPBS, and Thanksgiving

Last Tuesday the 16th I met with Jordan Becker, an outstanding individual who worked at SAIC for more than 10 years. Jordan is an expert on the Internet and is technically savvy in a variety of areas. I hired him in 2000, but he recently left SAIC to work for BAE Systems. He has a tremendous amount of responsibility, with several thousand employees reporting to him. This is a real loss to SAIC. I wish Jordan well in his new position.

Last Thursday I met with a group of individuals from the KPBS television station who are interested in having me sponsor a news program on local science and engineering. This is an interesting opportunity and I look forward to exploring it further.

On Friday Ron Arnold, Mark Waldschmidt, and I motored up to Oceanside. Needless to say, I had a busy week.

I hope all of you have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

— Bob