Learning More About Algae-Based Biofuels

I would like to thank former SAIC employee Mark Allen for pointing out some interesting websites having to do with algae-based biofuels. The first site, algaeatwork.com, is Mark’s company, which is finding new uses for algae, including capturing CO2 and producing biofuels. The second site, algalbiomass.org, is a large group of government organizations and businesses interested in creating algae-based products including biofuels for use in aircraft jet engines and rocket engines. I think it’s a great idea and one that should be pursued. Once large-scale production begins, it seems to me that the pond approach to growing algae is going to prove to be the best. It might not be many years into the future that the airplanes you fly in and the cars you drive run on algae-based biofuels.

— Bob