On Thursday I had a very pleasant lunch with a good friend of mine, Martin Walt. Martin and I worked together in the 1950s as research scientists at Los Alamos. Martin ended up moving to the San Francisco Bay area when he accepted a position with Lockheed, and he reported to me then that he enjoyed his newly adopted state.
In fact, part of the reason I moved to California was because of Martin’s glowing reports. Another reason was because my wife Betty was not very happy living in the New Mexico desert. It was good to see Martin again, and to hear about his life and travels.
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On Wednesday we went on a field trip to Sea World. I rode some rides, and saw some of the marine animal shows. We attended the Shamu show, and one of the killer whales splashed the heck out of us.
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I recently received a note from Ron Gilgenbach, who is the chair of the University of Michigan Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences Department. Ron sent me a copy of two figures that appeared in a book titled Neutron Thermalization and Reactor Spectra back in 1968.
It’d been some time since I had last seen these figures, and I enjoyed seeing them again. I have included them below.
— Bob