North Korean Threat and Domestic Use of Drones

I guess it should be no surprise to anyone that North Korea has tested another nuclear device that according to the reports I have read is both smaller and more powerful than previous devices. This coupled with improvements that North Korea is making to its KN-08 ICBM, which are expected to give the missile a range of more than 6,000 miles, should be of great concern.

The North Koreans are definitely bad guys — this can’t be changed. I believe we must do everything we can do diplomatically to make it difficult for the North Koreans to move their weapons program forward.

In addition, I believe that we should strengthen our defenses against the possibility of a North Korean attack. While the country still has a long way to go before they can mount a serious attack against the U.S. mainland, we must begin preparations for this possibility now.

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I have been interested to see that the U.S. Senate is holding up confirmation of John Brennan for director of the CIA, apparently until certain senators get clarification about the Obama Administration’s policy on using drones to kill Americans within the boundaries of the United States. My understanding is that our Constitution prohibits this, so I am surprised that this is even a question.

However, the use of drones by the military, police, and government within our country is coming under increased scrutiny, with some lawmakers outlawing or curtailing their use for a variety of purposes. For example, in Charlottesville, Virginia, the police are prohibited from using evidence gathered by drones in criminal cases, and the mayor of Seattle recently banned the use of drones by the city’s police department.

I personally believe that police agencies should be able to use drones to collect evidence just as they use aircraft and other assets to do the same task now. I don’t really see any difference.

— Bob