Nuclear Proliferation and Arms Control

One of the more pleasant surprises that I’ve recently had is to observe the attention that President Obama has paid to nuclear proliferation and arms control. This attention was badly needed. I think the steps to reduce the stockpile to about 2,500 weapons of all shapes, sizes, and colors is sensible and something our country should do. Doing so will magically reduce the staggering cost of maintaining the stockpile of nuclear weapons which we have a very low probability of using.

The alarming thing to me is that there seems to be a revival of interest by countries other than the five primary nuclear powers in having and building nuclear weapons. Even though the United Nations tries to monitor these activities, it is extremely difficult to monitor loose nuclear weapons. As time goes on, I am concerned that rogue countries will obtain one or two nukes. This potential threat has been a problem for a long time and is not new. It will be hard to stop the Irans of the world from putting together a nuclear capability.

— Bob