Open Book Management and Feeling Better

My daughter Mary Ann Beyster recently brought an interesting article to my attention. The article is about a company in Missouri by the name of SRC Holdings Corporation. The company practices what is known as “open book” management, that is, all employees are given detailed company financial information on a regular basis and taught what all the numbers mean. They also learn how the company’s financials impact the company, their customers, and them personally. In addition, every employee owns a stake in the business. The company seems to be weathering the current economic crisis well and is positioned for an eventual upturn.

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Most of last week I was not feeling well so I stayed home. By the end of the week, my X-rays showed that the walking pneumonia was mostly gone, so I went out on the boat with Ron Arnold and Bob Peters, who is married to an ex-SAIC employee. We went to Oceanside and I managed to handle the extra stress of being out on the water.

This week I’m taking it relatively easy. I’m planning to meet with J.P. Morgan — they manage an investment portfolio for us, including some of our more risky investments. They are doing very well in this environment, which is not an easy thing to do.

— Bob