Republican Candidates and Trip to the East

There was yet another Republican Presidential debate on TV again last night, and I frankly am undecided about who to vote for. It looks like the party has some good alternatives to Obama, which is a good thing since I think his performance has been mediocre to date.

There seems to be an increasing vacuum of leadership at the top on both the world stage and at home. This lack of leadership is not just a problem with the President, however. Congress is increasingly dysfunctional and divided.

The failure of Congress to produce a long-term budget solution is having a negative impact on our nation’s economy, and there is no apparent resolution to this problem in sight. I am afraid that this will continue to haunt us for years to come.

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I’m in the planning phase for a possible trip back East within the next few months. If all goes according to plan, I will visit Washington, Rutgers, and Michigan. I’ll post updates here on this blog as we get closer to firming up the arrangements and set travel dates.

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I was pleased to get back out on the boat last Friday. We made a short voyage across San Diego Bay to Loews Resort on Coronado, where we had a very enjoyable lunch.

— Bob