Russia, Local Entrepeneurs, and the Democratic Race

About two weeks ago Betty and Mary Ann left on a purely pleasure trip to Russia. I did not feel that I would be able to travel comfortably on commercial airlines so I did not go. I’ve been anxious to hear from them, but communication in and out of Russia is not easy, and there’s been little communication so far. I’m quite lonesome and wish they’d get back. Meanwhile, I’m in the hands of caregivers and my friends here in town.

My schedule remains about the same as it has been for some time now, there is usually one major event each week. We are attempting to decide the local winners of the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award. There are six award categories, including consumer products and services, business products and services, life sciences (as you know, San Diego has lots of activity in the life sciences), high technology/defense and security, environmental and clean technology, and real estate. In addition, we need to vote on who will be awarded the award for Supporter of Entrepreneurship. This is the award I received several years ago. The local formal event announcing and recognizing the winners is scheduled for sometime in early June. I’m looking forward to the awards ceremony — there are usually about 1,000 attendees and most of the contestants have their families and friends there. The contestants won’t know if they won or not until it is announced at the ceremony. This makes for quite an exciting event.

I love watching what’s going on in the Democrats competition for president. Both Hillary and Obama are showing no mercy in their campaigns. If I were a Democrat, I would have a hard time making a decision between the two. Obviously, I am a Republican and so it looks like I will be supporting John McCain, which I will have no difficulty doing.

— Bob