SAIC’s New CEO and the Passing of a Friend

Last week was an eventful one for me. On Tuesday, I was visited by Tony Moraco, who has been chosen to serve as the CEO of SAIC when the company is split into two parts later this year, SAIC and Leidos.

Tony seems to me like he’s a good leader and I think he has a good chance of making the new SAIC successful. I believe the company is going to be in good hands, and I am glad for that. I wish Tony well in the difficult task he is taking on.

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Betty and I were very sorry to get the news that our longtime friend Ed Frieman passed away last week. Ed was a theoretical physicist who served for some time as the director of Scripps Institution of Oceanography here in La Jolla, as well as Assistant Secretary of the Department of Energy.

Ed was a highly sought-after and respected advisor to the Departments of Defense and Energy and the intelligence community. Our nation will sorely miss his unbiased guidance on the physical sciences. He was a wonderful human being, and we wish his wife Joy and the rest of Ed’s family our deepest condolences.

— Bob