SAIC’s New CEO, Michigan Republican Primary, and Travels Around San Diego

Although there is much going on right now, the big news this week is that SAIC has named a new CEO. On March 1st, John Jumper, who is a former U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff and has served on SAIC’s board since 2007, will take the company’s reins.

Although I have never met him, I think Jumper is a good man, and I hope he will be successful in his new position. I am going to send him a copy of my book The SAIC Solution so that he’ll have a good background on the company and its unique culture.

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From what I read in the newspapers, next Tuesday’s Republican primary in Michigan is up for grabs. It surprises me that Romney is in a virtual dead heat with Santorum, especially given the fact that Romney is a Michigan native son.

It would be a shame if Romney lost in his home state. I think he is a pretty good guy, and I for one hope he wins the primary there.

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On Wednesday we went to the San Diego Botanic Garden. The Garden is quite impressive, and many flowers are now in bloom. It is located on 37 acres in Encinitas, north of San Diego, and we wandered the trails for some time — enjoying the warm Santa Ana breeze.

Last Wednesday we went to Bates Nut Farm in Valley Center. We saw some ostriches and bought some cashews, which are my favorite.

I am still getting out on the boat every Friday, though we have stayed in San Diego Bay the past few times. I enjoy having lunch at Sally’s next to the Manchester Hyatt. Their sushi is very good and the hotel has a dock where we can tie up while we eat.

— Bob