Screening of “We the Owners”

On Monday I had the opportunity to attend a private screening of the FED’s new film “We the Owners” at the Rady School at UCSD. The film is now complete and I am very pleased with it.

My daughter Mary Ann Beyster and her team did a great job showing how employee ownership has benefitted the workers and customers of three successful companies in three completely different industries. These companies include DPR Construction, New Belgium Brewing, and Namaste Solar. Each has applied its own unique approach to employee ownership, and although there have been bumps along the way, they are healthy and growing.

It is my understanding that more than 100 requests have been received by the FED to purchase the film. This gives me hope that more companies will consider giving employee ownership a try in the future.

I think the film will have an impact, and I hope you will take the opportunity to see it. I have included a couple of photos from the screening.

— Bob