Some Poll Results

Another week, another blog. Let’s take a look at last week’s poll and report the results to you. The war in Iraq tied with job creation and economic growth as the most important issue for most of you. The Wall Street Journal/NBC News nationwide poll found that job creation and economic growth was the top issue nationwide, followed by the Iraq War. Illegal immigration was the next most important for you, while the Wall Street Journal poll rated it fourth. Fourth of importance in my poll was terrorism, which rated fifth and last in the Wall Street Journal poll. Health care came in fifth and last in my poll, but it was third in importance in the Wall Street Journal poll.

I asked which party you thought would do better for a variety of different issues. The majority of you thought that the Republicans would do better in each of these issues, while the Wall Street Journal poll found that more of those polled thought the Democrats would do better. Since most of the responses we’re receiving I believe are from current and former SAIC employees, it seems to indicate that there is a different viewpoint on the world we live in than among the general public.

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday — we’ll soon learn a lot more about the Presidential candidates.