Staying CONNECTed

By the way, I forgot to mention on my blog that there had been another event recently at which I was honored. This was the CONNECT organization’s Hall of Fame. CONNECT is a semi-unique organization closely associated with UCSD and the city of San Diego. Its purpose is to connect venture capitalists and other sources of money with those technology and life sciences entrepreneurs whose companies are in early or mid stages of growth. In San Diego, the CONNECT organization has been very effective in helping to incubate small companies, many of which have grown quite large. The organization itself is independent and self-supporting with many volunteers also contributing their efforts. As a part of the CONNECT ceremony on March 20, 2008, I was also honored with a California State Assembly Resolution drafted by the Honorable Joel Anderson of the 77th Assembly District marking the occasion.

In case you might be interested, there are some new videos available of my talks at the CONNECT/MIT Enterprise Forum and Carnegie Mellon University.