Subtitle Sought for SAIC Solution Second Edition

As you may be aware, we are currently working on the 2nd edition of my book about the origins, growth, and practices of SAIC, titled The SAIC Solution: How We Built an $8 Billion Employee-Owned Technology Company. The manuscript is currently being edited by our publisher, and we hope to have the book available for purchase in April or May.

SAIC itself has gone through great change over the past several years, and I believe many of these changes were not for the better. For example, the IPO resulted in significant loss of shareholder value, while the dismantling of the employee-ownership culture has removed one of the company’s most important tools for recruiting, retaining, and engaging talented people. And the recent split up of the company into two new businesses has greatly lessened SAIC’s economies of scale. I address these issues and more in the 2nd edition of the book.

To reflect these changes in SAIC, I am considering the possibility of changing the subtitle of The SAIC Solution. Instead of “How We Built an $8 Billion Employee-Owned Technology Company,” I would like something that better reflects the entire history of the company. That is where you come in. I am reaching out to the readers of this blog to suggest a new subtitle for The SAIC Solution. The winner will get to join me for a cruise on San Diego Bay on my boat Solutions, with lunch at Sally’s at the Manchester Hyatt. You will, of course, need to arrange your own travel to San Diego to redeem this award.

While we’re at it, I would also like to see if anyone has ideas for a tagline for the book , a short, dynamic statement that sums up the idea of the book in just a handful of words. If we use your idea, then you will also get to join me on my boat and for lunch at Sally’s.

Please submit your ideas to no later than Friday, January 31 to be considered.

I hope everyone has a happy and successful 2014.

, Bob