The Bob and Betty Beyster Bubbler

Well, the engineering students at the University of Michigan have been busy lately. It seems that a group of engineering students pulled a prank of the sort typical at many universities. I have to say that I was impressed with the imagination of the students who pulled off this particular prank, and their ingenuity in getting it done under the noses of the University of Michigan administration.

The prank was a fully functioning jacuzzi hot tub, installed on a 4th floor balcony of the Computer Science Engineering building. The icing on the cake was a plaque mounted on the hot tub that dubbed it “The Bob and Betty Beyster Bubbler.”

Although the hot tub has been removed, I understand that some of the engineering students were able to enjoy it. I thank the students for thinking of Betty and me, and I congratulate them on their ability to carry out this difficult engineering feat. I have included a photo of the plaque below.

— Bob

The Bob and Betty Beyster Bubbler