Week fourteen: Blog suggestions

I would like to let you know that we signed a contract with John Wiley and Sons to publish the book. This is exciting for us and we are looking forward to working with them. More information is on www.fed.org. I am also hopeful that initial responses to the draft manuscript by reviewers are very thorough and detailed. It will keep us busy evaluating comments and incorporating them into the book. We are also looking into ways to make this blog more user-friendly. Will try to address suggestions.

Click on the comments link to share your thoughts.

– Bob

Here are my responses to last week’s comments:

Bill Hillegeist: There is a section planned for RSNF. I agree that was a turning point in the company’s history.

Mary Lou Dunford: Implementing AJOBB was helpful for many employees, especially when business got weak. I agree with you that it worked out quite well.

Craig Racine: Glad to hear your strong interest in SAIC and for what has happened to build the company. I hope you are still working in the energy area. It is more important than ever for the country.

Chuck Spofford: No question that the RSNF C3 contract was extremely important to the company’s growth and reputation. But I am surprised that the win was the result of a cold proposal and a response to the CBD. RSNF being a big contract, as it phased down, it was difficult to find replacement work. It was a good job by management making sure key staff were kept after their outstanding work on the contract.

Steve Rizzi: It seems to me that SAIC’s information systems have continued to evolve over years. They play a key role, as you say, allowing managers to keep track of what’s going on in the company. However, it seems that every year new systems are available. I’m glad that SAIC is willing to entertain changing its systems to keep up with latest advancements.