Week nineteen: Title & price

Peter and Bob meet with John Wiley & Sons editor, Debra Englander.
Peter and Bob meet with John Wiley & Sons editor, Debra Englander.

We continue to make progress on the book. Our editor from John Wiley & Sons — Debra Englander — visited last week to discuss the publication process in more detail. I believe she is pleased with our progress. The topic at the top of the agenda was deciding on a new title for the book. After considering a number of different alternatives, we are in agreement on the following title: The SAIC Solution: How We Built an $8 Billion Employee-Owned Technology Company. I am happy with this change. By the way, this title is a hybrid of two different titles suggested by Dan Whitaker and Joseph Blasi. Because of their efforts, Dan and Joseph have won the small prize I mentioned in Week 15. Now, what do you suggest we give them? Something memorable, I hope.

Click on the comments link to share your thoughts.

– Bob

Here are my responses to previous weeks’ comments:

Donna Cunningham (Week 18): Meetings Week also served a function of getting many of us in management up to speed with what was going on in the company and what new technologies were coming down the pike. I was indeed uncomfortable at the stockholders’ meetings since I wanted to give my talks looking at my notes as little as possible while cramming in as much information as I could and not missing any important points.