What Do You Think of the Economy?

I’ve been spending some of my time thinking about what’s going on the world and if things are getting better now that we have a new administration in Washington. It seems to me that things are getting better. There are certainly disappointments overseas, where the Iraqis can’t seem to govern themselves and where our hands are tied to do a lot. Afghanistan may be better. The economy seems to be slowly getting better, although people here in San Diego who know the real estate market believe there is a long way to go before things get back to normal.

I’m hopeful that in a year our economy will have made a dramatic improvement with all the stimulus going on. The car folks, for example, seem to building cars that people will actually want to drive. So today is my optimism day. But as you know, this can all change. I would certainly like to know your impressions of the current state of the economy, so put them on the blog.

— Bob