Fire Engines, Sailing, and Walter Munk’s Birthday

Last week was very eventful for me. The excitement started on Thursday when my wife Betty, Robert Craig, Keith Mahler, and a group from the San Diego Foundation traveled to the hills in San Pasqual, California, to view the fire engine we bought for the Regional Fire Department. We also purchased a new ambulance, which will service the region.

On Friday we took my boat Solutions to Oceanside. This trip included skipper Ron Arnold, Ed Murphy — who was in charge of acquisitions at SAIC — and me. This as usual was a very pleasant event.

On Sunday Betty and I went to Walter Munk’s house to help celebrate his 91st birthday. Walter is one of the world’s most accomplished oceanographers. He had a group of about 20 good friends over for lunch, which included the mandatory birthday cake.

I am pleased to see that more people are visiting the blog. If you are interested in making a contribution to our new book about Network Solutions, please let us know so we can set up an interview.