Book Updates, Boston Marathon Bombing

I was pleased to meet with Mike Daniels here in La Jolla a few weeks ago. He was here to discuss our progress on the Network Solutions book, which is now in production with our publisher. My understanding is that the book will be available no later than July. I am hoping that the second edition of The SAIC Solution will also be available soon after that, hopefully by September.

The FED has set up a Twitter account for the NSI book. If you are interested in tracking our progress, you’ll find us at @NSIBook.

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Like everyone else this past week, I was shocked by the news of the Boston Marathon bombing, and I send my condolences to those with friends and family who were killed or injured. If it turns out that the perpetrators acted alone and not in direct contact with any foreign groups, then this kind of terrorist attack is extremely difficult to detect in advance and prevent.

Unfortunately, there are many people out there who wish to do our nation and our people harm. We cannot possibly prevent every single incident, though our track record since 9/11 has been a good one.

I saw on the news that two men were arrested today in Canada for plotting a terrorist attack against the Canadian railway. In this case, there was direction and guidance from al-Quida, which made detection possible before the terrorists could act.

— Bob