A move to Facebook?

While working on the manuscript for the book on Network Solutions, I have been reading many articles on social networking. In particular, I am very interested in how the Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace Web applications have come to prominence over the past couple of years. It seems to me that more people are spending time in these social networking sites than they are reading blogs. With that thought in mind, I am considering establishing a presence on Facebook — either starting up my own page, or by posting on the already existing Foundation for Enterprise Development Facebook page. Before I make a decision, however, about which approach to take, I am hoping that some of you who are familiar with Facebook can give me some advice on which path I should take. My goal is to reach a broader audience than I am currently reaching. Do you think the best approach is by way of Facebook, or should I consider something else altogether?

The custom in our family is to have Thanksgiving dinner at the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club, which is what we did again this year. As usual, I ate too much, as I suppose some of you did too.

On Friday, Ron Arnold, Mark Waldschmidt, and his father-in-law joined me on Solutions for a trip to the Jolly Roger restaurant in Oceanside Harbor. It takes us about two hours to reach Oceanside, but the food is delicious, and I look forward to making the visit each week weather permitting.

— Bob