Birthday Thanks and Network Solutions Book Galley Proof

I would first like to thank everyone for your notes and messages and phone calls on my birthday. I am delighted to have lived long enough to see the age of 89, and I do hope that I’ll see 90 too.

I have to be very careful now in getting around so that I don’t fall and break anything. I am grateful that I can still get out on my boat every Friday and go on field trips throughout Southern California each week.

I hope that I am able to witness the America’s Cup competition in San Francisco in September, but I don’t know if I’ll be well enough to make the trip. Hopefully it will be on television too.

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My daughter Mary Ann gave me a very nice surprise while we were at lunch at the Beach and Tennis Club on my birthday: a galley proof of my upcoming book with Mike Daniels, Names, Numbers, and Network Solutions. I am very pleased with the book and I look forward to its official publication in late August, after the final edits and adjustments are made.

I have included photos of Mary Ann giving me the galley proof. If you would like to see a preview of the book, including the foreword by Vint Cerf and the first chapter, please click this link.

— Bob