Book Ideas, Employee Ownership, and Alternative Energy Solutions

I would like to thank all of you who responded to my post a couple weeks ago asking for your opinion on which theme we should address in our next book. It seems to me that the votes were pretty evenly split between big-idea book and a book about the Network Solutions story. As I read your comments, I realized that a story about NSI could be written in a way that would provide companies and those who lead them with lessons that could help them revitalize the American industrial base. Employee ownership played a great role in the growth and success of SAIC and NSI, and it can play a role in strengthening American business. Please let me know if you have any further thoughts on the book theme.

Over the next few weeks I am going to write a paper on the apparent conflict between certain alternative energy solutions and their effect on the environment. For example, although large wind farms on the coast could generate huge amounts of electricity, some environmentalists are concerned about the impact of large wind farms on the environment. I don’t personally know if this conflict is real, but I plan to explore it. If you’ve got any strong feelings on the topic pro or con, please mention them on the blog so I can consider your points of view as I write the article.

— Bob