Book Updates and Christmas Plans

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago on this blog, I am currently working on the second edition of The SAIC Solution. One of things I would like to do as a part of this update of the book is to also update the graphic that we created titled “Companies formed by SAIC alumni,” which I have included below.

Click image for larger version (opens PDF file in new window).
Companies formed by SAIC alumni -- click image for larger version

As you can see, it has been some time since this graphic has been revised. Many of you have submitted suggestions previously on my blog of companies to include on the list and some corrections that need to be made.

If you have any companies formed by SAIC alumni to add to the list or corrections to notify me about, now is the time to submit them. We will rework the graphic based on the previous messages I have already received along with any future ones you might submit, I hope we will then have the most up-to-date resource on SAIC alumni companies anywhere.

* * *

I will probably take next week off to relax and enjoy the Christmas season. I wish all of you the very best holidays with your families and loved ones.

I am looking forward to spending time with my family over the holidays, and maybe getting over to the Beach and Tennis Club for a dinner or two. I hope you enjoy the photo of me wearing my University of Michigan Santa hat, for which I have to thank Mik Zolikoff.

— Bob

Dr. Beyster wearing a University of Michigan Santa hat