Car Bombs, Oil Leaks, and Working on the Book

I thought the days of car bombs in this country were over. So I was surprised to learn of the failed car bomb in Times Square this past weekend. As of today (Monday), I don’t think it’s known exactly what the scenario was — who did it and why. With all the attention and money we are devoting to fight terrorism, it’s hard to believe that this can still be happening.

I was also surprised to learn over the weekend that the BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico has not yet been brought under control. My experience when I was involved with them at SAIC was that they were very thrifty, but didn’t take shortcuts with safety. I hope that the leak is stopped soon. The impact on the Gulf states could be catastrophic for the fishing industry and for tourism.

I have been confined in my home since last week because of a case of walking pneumonia. Monday was my first day out and I had lunch at The Crab Catcher with Peter Economy. We reviewed a new chapter on the future of the Internet that I just wrote for the new book. I’m happy that we are making progress.

— Bob