Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

dr j. beysters blog
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Preparing for the Horatio Alger Ceremony

In the last week, I have been focusing on settling a number of matters before I go east for a few days for the Horatio Alger cerem...

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Junior Achievement and the Democratic Primaries

This past week's big event was visiting Junior Achievement's new building at San Diego State University. Junior Achievement as y...

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Small Business Challenges

As I noted in an earlier post, last Thursday I gave the keynote address at the ESOP Association Conference in Las Vegas . More tha...

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SDSU, VACIS, and Articles on the Horizon

Speaking at SDSU On Friday, September 28, I had the opportunity to speak at the San Diego State University Aztec Center regardi...

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DARPATech 2007

These are my first impressions of DARPATech 2007, which finished last Thursday, August 9, in Anaheim. The meetings were conducted ...

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Week twenty-eight

My wife Betty, daughter Mary Ann, and Robert Craig -- a financial advisor -- had the good opportunity to attend the Ernst & Young ...

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