By now you have probably heard that the SAIC vote on conversion of the preferred stock into regular common stock was approved by t...
Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

Government Bailout, Open Source Funding, and More
An article in last week's Wall Street Journal explained that the government TARP bailout program features some significant limitat...
Book Agent, Some Research Findings, and Sydell Gold
We have selected an agent to handle the process of selling our still title-less new book to a publisher: Ike Williams at Fish &...
Gene Therapy, Employee Ownership, and More
On Tuesday I had the opportunity to visit Burnham Institute for Medical Research in La Jolla at the invitation of Malin Burnham. T...
Ocean Sampling and NSI Book Updates
I'm sitting here having lunch at the Crab Catcher in La Jolla attempting to compose a meaningful blog post for today. Things are r...
Rady School, New Book, and 4th of July
Nothing very exciting occurred last week; I was, however, quite busy. On Monday I met with Dean Sullivan to talk about the Rady Sc...