Another week, another blog. Let's take a look at last week's poll and report the results to you. The war in Iraq tied with job cre...
Dr. J. Robert Beyster’s Blogs

More Polls, and Charlie Wilson’s War
I'm happy so many of you are responding to the poll. As we promised, we will endeavor to update you each week. On the issue of soc...
Poll Updates, Two Articles
It has been our intention to periodically report the results of the poll that we established at the beginning of the year. To date...
Questions for 2008
I thought it would be interesting to start out the new year with some questions for you. Here are a few polls with questions that ...
Reflecting on 2007
It's drawing close to the end of 2007, and it's tempting to review our accomplishments from the last year, and our expectations fo...
Thoughts on Investing, Keynote Presentation
The purpose of the blog is not to give financial advice to readers, but I can't help commenting on a few things going on my experi...